After reviewing the regional economic crisis of the jurisprudence of recent years in recent decades, see turbulent unfortunate that disrupt our in-flight movies tonight. Why you ask? Well, because the federal government has spent more than what is due to an irresponsible fiscal policy, and is much more because of the exorbitant costs of the war in Iraq.
When money flows from the federal government, regions that are in the flow of these costs to see a considerable economic advantage, and this scenariowas repeated several times during the last century. Over the past three decades, I had the pleasure of watching the rise and fall of these areas. I watched the Southern California reservoir, after all aerospace workers fired (88,000). I looked at the military city ended when the government stopped spending on national defense and closed BRAC bases.
Yes, this happens even when the money in the private sector will stop the flow. For example, the Dot Com bubble burst in Silicon Valley ormany major cities affected by the telecom crash, the S & L debacle, and they are only a few. Currently our Online Think Tank is a review of the draft budget for the next federal government, and we see a mild economic slowdown out who is really long, from a false economy supported by expenditure unnecessary.
Indeed, the main problem I see is that the areas around Washington DC will be hit hardest, affecting real people, people who live and workthere. This means that Washington should keep spending? Of course not, spending must be controlled. However, this will cause the housing market does not go through much lower than what is projected. Something to contemplate in 2008.
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