The victories and milestones are key factors when you are working hard to realize a dream to hold a New Year's resolution, or achieve a goal. But it is difficult to measure progress and maintain accountability if I do not write things, "Check" regularly and maintain a realistic, steady rhythm. Personally, I like to check in every day when I do my calendar and planning for the day. Help keep my dream in 2008, resolution and daily goals front and center, and on track. Not allTime to check-ins daily, however, so a weekly check-ins are the best thing to do. Only when you and check once a month or every quarter, it is really difficult to monitor progress, the next step, of course corrections, deadlines, milestones and difficult to win. That's why I wrote things in a newspaper or a "Resolution Daily Diary" and known to periodically review are so important.
This year the theme of my personal resolution is to "give back" and to express my "thanks" for my blessingfour ways:
60 mile walk for Breast Cancer 3-Day - Susan G. Komen for the Cure - A Washington, DC, 3-5 October 2008. My team and I decide to walk!
Volunteer at a farm in Virginia Horse Rescue.
Learn to combat global warming and act.
Engage in premeditated acts Of Kindness - be more aware that I treat others and do good things forothers without expecting anything in return.
So that you can not make progress in all classes every day - which is not realistic - that's why I plan my next steps for each, and take a step or two each day. For example, I am doing ongoing research on ways to fight against global warming and reduce my carbon footprint. The information I post on my blog on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in an effort to educate myself, and encourage others to join me in protecting and preserving the environment. Athe things I wrote recently - and what I do in 2008 - trying to reduce my consumption of plastic bags. They recycle the bags that I gave, so I do not understand the new. Whenever I realized that recycle a bag less in a landfill.
They are also brainstorming ways to 'be nice,''the posting of ideas on my blog and most importantly, work hard not to be aware of what I am dealing with others. Every time I get in my car, for example, I make a mental note to give to othersGuy little space on the street, people confused, and generally practice safe driving techniques. I am not perfect, I am frustrated with the rude and inconsiderate drivers, but I am trying to 'be' has sweet and attentive drivers.
With these two objectives - to help the environment and be more polite - I try to set a good example. If each of us only good for the environment, like our brothers every day really adds, and could promote both personal andglobal change. Like most - New Year's Resolution, the fight against global warming, acts of kindness thought - our actions will add up over time. If we take one small step at a time, one day at a time, small steps can make a huge difference. You do not have to move mountains at night, you only need to be committed enough to stick to your values and priorities - your dreams - for the long haul.
As for me in the coming days and weeks, I have my next 10, 20, 30, 100 stepsin my journal for my 'Gratitude Project'. I plan to write and send your friends, your colleagues and your family a letter from my fundraising for breast cancer in October 2008 3 days of walking, so I can meet my $ 3,000 goal. I created a program of training and study tools for working outside the spring and summer. Best of all, outside help to raise funds for research on breast cancer, my 3-Day Walk to help me achieve one of my resolutions for the last time the daily exercise. When you know what yourpriorities are the following: It is amazing how they blend together, working together and giving a common purpose, everyday life - that make every day special!
Remember, I resolve to achieve my New Year's resolutions, resolution, one day at a time for one year. It's your choice. Do it today. Turn your resolution into reality in five simple steps the right direction: Dare to Dream, decide, define, develop a plan, and do every day. Make your resolution a permanent Lifetime Resolution, something thatfor good! Especially, being a resolution, a person who makes resolutions, keeps resolutions, and enjoys the journey! Make New Year's Day every day. Make Every Day Count. Let's Go For It!
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