วันพุธที่ 9 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Humor on the Web Being Funny can make sale

The former governor of New York, Alfred E. Smith is quoted as saying: "If you can make people laugh, you can suggest and do and think like you."

The BBC said that a regular Web user has the ability to take care of a goldfish. Nine seconds. Are you still reading? Congratulations. Are you a biped. But now what?

The evidence shows that more and more ... I did not cite scientific studies. We all know that people love to laugh. But did you know that the humor in your company's WebThe content may actually reinforce your brand identity, improve customer relationships and also help make the sale? Being funny has obvious advantages, including the four Rs:



It is enough to write on the Web if you play 24 hours a day for the rest of your life, you will not even scratch the surface. People with limited time - as your customers - they are very selective in what they take time to read. Especially,They travel only a page. Therefore, you must give them a reason to slow down and savor every word.


Do you like shopping, while the seller breathing on his neck? People have enough stress without adding you with a sales pitch under pressure. Even if you want a sense of urgency is much more likely to win more than one person with a more laid-back approach. And a way to relax is to give them a smile.


Humor builtrelationship with customers. The Web is a one-to-one communication. When a client has an aha "moment, this second when you" GET ", a connection is established. Humor lines of communication open on a personal level itself.


People remember what makes them laugh, because it is a good memory.

Many managers avoid humor, for fear of offending someone or degrading their brands. But look at the effectiveness of advertising's most famous, SuperBowl ad. Most of them are built to make us laugh. Humor is a marketing tactic. It plays an important role in everyday life. Why not use to grow your business?

Recommend : http://astore.amazon.de/shop-6-21 http://astore.amazon.com/tw-glendale-20 http://samsonite.girokontostudenten.org/ http://annular-cutters.co.cc/ http://grandrapidsblog.co.cc

